Marvel Brings In Star Trek Producer For Vision Series

Marvel Studios is going back to Vision and they’re bringing along a Star Trek executive producer for the series.

Terry Matalas, who helped bring us Star Trek: Picard, is now making his way to the MCU for a new untitled series about the character Vision. The series is set for 2026 and will see Paul Bettany return to his role as the synthetic being Vision. We’ve seen the character make two comebacks since his death in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, both in WandaVision. His final form in that show being the mysterious white Vision that was constructed by the US Government. Wanda’s version of Vision made up for her charade in Westview battled it out with this new white version until Wanda restored his memories. The new show should take place after the events of WandaVision.

Matalas worked running season 3 of Star Trek: Picard, which saw the return of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast to widespread acclaim. Kevin Feige is a huge fan of Star Trek and even appeared on a recent podcast episode with Matalas. This is apparently different than the previous Vision series that was in development with WandaVision creator Jac Schaefer. They turned their attention to Agatha All Along, which premieres in September.

Marvel hasn’t added a new live-action series pickup in almost two years, signifying the titanic shift in content they underwent after some high-profile misses and just too much content all at once on Disney+. That shift saw the balance of power swing from producers at Marvel Studios to the creators they’re hiring to run the shows. It’s a more traditional approach to TV than what they were doing before.

Before this and Picard, Matalas was a pretty successful producer. He created and showran 12 Monkeys, which ran for three seasons. He also was the executive producer for the MacGuyver reboot and has written for shows like Nightflyers, Nikita, Terra Nova, Star Trek: Enterprise and more.

We’ll make sure to update you on this as we get more details.

For more on Marvel, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

Source: Variety

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