Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Joe Bob is back in town. This week, things got physical as Joe Bob and Darcy focused on health and fitness-themed horror.

If you’re unfamiliar, every second week on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs; the former Monstervision host and his co-host Darcy The Mail Girl feature a movie that sometimes has a timely theme (although, it’s not always necessary).

In this episode, they showed Death Spa.

Getting Your Exercise In At The Death Spa

While there were no guests on this episode, things were kept entertaining with the recurring bit of Joe Bob and Darcy’s various workout routines. While I’m usually one for guests, how can you not laugh as Joe Bob vibrates so viciously that you see genuine concern but also laughter from Darcy as Joe Bob tries to explain his workout device while being shaken like a paint can.

The movie itself was fun. It’s (unsurprisingly for The Last Drive-In) not necessarily a great movie, but Joe Bob said that, in his mind, it’s underrated, and I could agree with that. It’s certainly got many issues. The chief among them is that you just don’t care what happens to the main character, Michael. You also have a character gain supernatural abilities with no explanation. However, if we were to mark down an episode of The Last Drive-In because a movie was non-sensical we wouldn’t be here right now. It’s part of the fun and charm to laugh at these unexplained plot elements.

Of course, most people in the Mutant Family who discuss the show online could not get enough of Darcy’s Aerobics tape. Which Shudder was gracious enough to upload to YouTube for your (re)viewing pleasure.


While not the strongest movie on its own merits, Death Spa really kept in the spirit of The Last Drive-In and showed once again the versatility of the horror genre. Showing such a diverse portfolio of different movies and sub-genres in horror. Have you ever seen a fitness-themed horror movie? You can say now that you have!

While the episode lacked guests, the fitness-themed segments were entertaining enough to keep things entertaining.

The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs airs live on Shudder every second Friday at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. If you miss the live airing, episodes are archived and posted the following Sunday.

For more on Horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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