Digimon Adventure 02 was, for many people here in NA region, a symbol of their childhoods. When this anime series first made its US premiere on Fox Kids back in April 2, 2000, it was the best thing a kid could watch. With plenty of colorful characters (both narratively and literally), epic fight scenes, and complex serialized storyline, it was pretty clear that Toei Animation had created a hit with their audiences, including here in NA region. Thus, you can completely understand why Toei Animation made an anime film sequel to that series in the form of Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning. Not to mention why a whole bunch of people here are very interested in seeing this anime film finally make it to NA shores.
Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning: Details

Toei Animation and Fathom Events are proud to announce they will finally bringing Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning to NA. This anime film sequel and finale to the Digimon Adventure 02 series premieres in US theaters nationwide November 8-9, 2023. November 8, 2023 is when theaters will screen the English dub. Meanwhile, November 9, 2023 is when those same theaters will screen the original Japanese audio with English subtitles. Tickets for this anime film are currently available for advance purchase straight from Fathom Events.
That’s not all, though. Apparently, theater-goers will get some neat bonuses when they watch Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning. First, all theater-goers will get a special introduction from director Tomohisa Taguchi. However, the first 50 guests at each screening will get a complimentary “Digimon Card Game Tamer Party Pack -THE BEGINNING- ver. 2.0”. This card pack will include “3 out of 14 possible cards from the new Digimon Card Game deck commemorating the film”. So if you want these cards, then you’d better hurry.
Bonus: Synopsis
Want an idea of what Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning will be about as a teaser? Well, Toei Animation has an official synopsis ready for us to help us out with that. You can check that out below:
It’s 2012, and ten years have passed since the adventure in the Digital World. Daisuke Motomiya is now twenty, and he and the rest of the DigiDestined seem to be changing bit by bit in terms of appearance and lifestyle. Then one day, a giant Digitama suddenly appears in the sky over Tokyo Tower. Daisuke and the others encounter a mysterious young man named Lui Ohwada, who informs them that he’s the first ever DigiDestined in the world…