Rumors about Taika Waititi’s still-untitled Star Wars film being canceled or scrapped have been greatly exaggerated, it seems. In fact, it looks like those rumors might’ve been the result of Taika Waititi himself. Why? We don’t know. All we know for certain is that production is still very much underway. Or at least, it will be when Hollywood finally agrees to pay their actors and actresses. It is what they’re striking about, after all.

Taika Waititi’s Untitled Star Wars Film: Details

One Take News (OTN) has just released a very interesting report about that untitled Star Wars film Taika Waititi was working on. Specifically: they mean to address the recent rumors surrounding the film’s cancellation and/or scrapping. As it turns out, those really were just rumors without substance. OTN has confirmed with multiple sources that this untitled Star Wars film is still very much in the works. Those sources don’t confirm exactly what state the film is at the moment. They only confirm that the film will resume production when the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strikes eventually end.

Thor: Ragnarok..Director Taika Waititi ..Photo: Jasin Boland..©Marvel Studios 2017

That does beg the question though: where did those original rumors about this untitled Star Wars film come from? Well, also according to OTN, those rumors started with scooper Daniel Richtman (aka. DanielRPK). World of Reel then later reposted that rumor, causing it to spread like wildfire through the internet. Those initial rumors that DanielRPK spread appear to stem from a joke Taika Waititi himself made. Not even about his own untitled Star Wars film, but Shawn Levy’s own untitled Star Wars film. You can read a paraphrased version of the joke that Taika Waititi made below:

Unlike me, let’s hope [Shawn] manages to finish a script for [Star Wars].

You can kind of see how DanielRPK got the idea that Taika Waititi’s untitled Star Wars film was canceled. On the other hand, this is Taika Waititi, after all. The man’s bizarre humor knows no bounds. Lucasfilm or Disney is a better source of news about this film than the director himself. Tune back into THS to learn more Star Wars news when we get them.