Domina is a British historical drama television series that aired on BBC One in 2020. Set in Ancient Rome, Domina follows the rise of Gaius/Emperor Augustus Caesar’s third wife, Livia Drusilla, future empress of Rome. The series stars Kasia Smutniak as Livia, with Liam Cunningham, Polly Walker, and Ben Batt in supporting roles.

Domina season 1 was met with critical acclaim. It is a fascinating and well-made historical drama full of intrigue, betrayal, and power struggles. The performances by the cast are excellent, and the writing is sharp and engaging. The series has also been a ratings success, with the first episode attracting over 6 million viewers.


Domina Season Two chronicles the struggle for control of the Roman Empire, and of Rome’s Imperial Family. In its first season, Livia Drusilla, returned to Rome after 10 years in exile. Now, she is determined to regain everything that was stolen from her. Atop a fractious empire and a dysfunctional dynasty, she must fight to preserve her marriage to Gaius and find a way to seat one of her sons on the throne. Sounds easier said than done. There are new and old rivals jockeying for positions in a world where it’s impossible to know who to trust.  

Domina has expanded its cast this season with Benjamin Isaac (Holmes & Watson) as Tiberius, Joelle (Dune, The School for Good and Evil) as Vipsania, and David Avery (Doctor Who, The Inbetweeners Movie) as young aristocrat Domitius.

Smutniak returns as series lead Livia Drusilla. Alongside her as series regulars are Matthew McNulty (Gaius Julius Caesar), Liah O’Prey (Julia), Ben Batt (Agrippa), Ewan Horrocks (Drusus), Claire Forlani (Octavia), Darrell D’Silva (Piso), Christine Bottomley (Scribonia), and Alais Lawson (Marcella).

Domina returns on July 9th with a Two Episodes Premiere on MGM+!


Simon Burke (Fortitude, Strike Back) created the series. Burke, as well as Managing Director of Tiger Aspect Lucy Bedford, Muirinn Lane Kelly, and Carmel Maloney, are executive producers.

Producing Domina is Tiger Aspect—part of Banijay UK—in association with MGM+ Studios, following an agreement with leading global distributor Banijay Rights. Domina was filmed at the historic Cinecittà Studios in Rome and in addition to airing on MGM+, the second season will also return to Sky across Europe in 2023.