As a fan of any fandome, it is always exciting to get your favorite actor’s autograph to add to your collection. From comic con to running into them on the street it is a moment that you will never forget. Most of these times it is a peaceful exchange but unfortunately, some collectors forget about being nice and respectful and turn to the Dark Side as we saw in a video shared by Mark Hamill.

As you can tell in this video posted originally by Twitter user @skywalkuzzy fans were out of control trying to get Hamill to sign something for them. This 37-second clip show Mark Hamill in the back of an SUV and fans mobbing the vehicle shoving posters and other Star Wars items at him to try to get Hamill to sign. Hamill did sign a few items, but it was when a fan hit Hamill in the neck with an item to be signed Hamill stopped signing rolled up the window and they drove off. Later Hamill shared the clip with just, “#TheDownsideOfCelebrity.”

Mark Hamill
Mark Hamill (photo credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty)

As an autograph myself this video made me sick. It seems like some people feel that respect and politeness aren’t necessary and that they are just entitled to whatever they want. It is because of fans like this that actors are starting not to sign anymore. So, Mr. Hamill if you do read this I would like to apologize that you had to deal with these kinds of fans and hope you get treated better the next time you are on the streets.

You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up on any of my social media platforms at NerdyVet574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook to chat about all things from the galaxy far far away. Don’t forget to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at More importantly, be safe, We can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2025.