Hey everybody, have you heard the news? Joe Bob is back in town! This week, The Last Drive-In takes us to Mexico, for a Mexican Horror double feature. It’s great that the two find time for horror from various countries and cultures. Horror is such a universal genre, and different cultures fear different things; it’s great to see diversity and different voices in horror.

The double feature this week included Don’t Panic (1987) and Tigers Are Not Afraid (2017).

Don't Panic 1987 The Last Drive-In
The Dreaded Ouija Was The Instrument OF Death In 80’s Horror Movies

Don’t Panic was admittingly a riot. A movie that seemingly pulls a lot from other slasher movies, predominately A Nightmare On Elm Street, there were many great kills, cheesy acting, and of course, those pajamas.

Pajamas, Pinatas, and Tigers, Oh My!

The movie had all the classic traits of a fun Last Drive-In, a movie practically unremarkable in most regards but with enough gore, horror, and laughs (at its expense of course) to make the movie a fun watch.

The second movie is a relatively recent one, and the sentiment from myself and others was that it’s a movie that most had recently seen. This isn’t a bad thing perse, but when you’ve seen it recently it makes rewatching it a more prevalent question and choice. Most of my fellow mutants stopped watching, especially as for some it gets pretty late into the night to justify staying up to rewatch a movie you’ve seen recently.

Still, recent rewatch or not, it’s still a great movie. The plot is very interesting and features a lot of great themes and motifs. The actors all do a great job in the movie and sell it all quite well. While it’s fun to laugh at movies like Don’t Panic for their 80’s cheese. It’s also great to watch genuinely great movies as well.

It didn’t help that there were no guests for this. I’ve always said that Guests can really elevate the experience, mostly because Joe Bob is such a great interviewer. Although, Darcy’s pinata costume was pretty fantastic.


While not the strongest week at The Last Drive-In, it’s still nice and respectable to see good representation on the show as Joe Bob and Darcy showcase different cultures and ideas.

The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs airs live on Shudder TV on Fridays at 6 PM (PST); If you miss the live airing, episodes are archived and posted the following Sunday.

For more Reviews, check out the content on That Hashtag Show.

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