Slip is a new dark comedy series written, directed, and starring Zoe Lister-Jones (A Good Person). The series follows a woman on a personal journey of self-discovery as she struggles through her unhappy marriage. However, after having a one-night-stand she learns that she is traveling through different timelines triggered by her orgasm.

So, coming off of its SXSW premiere, I sat down with Slip’s Zoe Lister-Jones to talk about the inspiration behind the series. We also chat about her wanting to wear so many hats, as well as her decision on how to make her character time travel.



Slip follows Mae Cannon as she finds herself restless inside a marriage that totally works. The series is a new fantastical journey will take her to parallel universes.

Official Synopsis

Slip begins streaming on Roku TV on April 21, 2023. Make sure to check it out!

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