[Contains Spoilers of Star Wars: The Clones Wars Season 7 episode “Shattered.”] Darth Revan is arguably still one of the most popular Star Wars characters outside of the feature films. So much so the he’s been featured in everything from video games, to books, to action figure form. Granted, most works in which Revan appears are considered “Legends.” However, there have been enough references to the character in recent years to declare him canon once more. A recent episode of The Clone Wars seems to contain yet another.
In the penultimate episode of The Clone Wars’ final season, “Shattered,” Ahoska Tano and newly-promoted Commander Rex prepare to take the captured Maul to the Jedi Council on Coruscant. Mandalorian leader Bo-Katan delivers Maul to them in an ancient Jedi prison container. And right there in the middle of the carvings on it is what appears to be an image of, you guessed it, Revan.
Revan appears in The Clone Wars

Eagle-eyed Redditor Master_of_Serpents spotted the possible reference to the Old Republic scourge of the galaxy, which you can see in the image above. The image certainly bears a strong resemblance to Revan, for sure. His visage on an ancient Jedi prison also makes a lot of sense, if you know the fallen Jedi’s history. He was once the Supreme Commander of the Jedi… during the Mandalorian Wars. Of course, he turned to the Dark Side and terrorized the galaxy, thus giving him a dark history with Mandalore.

Plus this isn’t the first time he appeared (well, was supposed to appear) in The Clone Wars. The ancient Sith had a deleted scene in the Mortis arc as you can see above.
With references to Darth Revan in The Last Jedi, an appearance in the Galaxy of Heroes game, and now this apparent Clone Wars reference, its seems the fan-favorite Sith is indeed back in canon for good. What that means for the future of the character remains to be seen.
What did you think of this likely reference to Revan in The Clone Wars? And do you want to see the character in full-on canon action? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Reddit
A random robed character does not mean Revan, especially since it has nothing that resembles him
No. And Revan was never canon.
Revan wiki confirms Lucas directly refused to Canonize Revan.[Canon Tab]
“In 2011, Revan was slated to appear in “Ghosts of Mortis,” an episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Revan would have appeared as a Sith Lord alongside Darth Bane as advisors to the powerful Force wielder known as the Son, but they were ultimately cut from the episode in late production. *The show’s director, Dave Filoni, was apprehensive of using the scene, and the scene was removed at George Lucas’s request because it conflicted with Lucas’s view on the Force.* The scene made it to the animatics stage and can be viewed in the bonus content on the Blu-ray edition of Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Three.”
Confirmed here as well –
“The scene was created, however George Lucas chose to delete it because it conflicted with his idea of the Force.”
That picture does not look like Revan. Furthernore that scene was cut out of The Clone Wars episode, which means, it didn’t happen.
George Lucas wanted it taken out because it differed with his views on the Force.
“The Sith learned how to manipulate both sides of the Force, and then they fell into the trap of being corrupted by the dark side.”
~ George Lucas, Sci-Fi Online interview, 2005
Here’s how you know it wasn’t Revan for sure.
Because there is no ‘Grey’ in the Force in canon. Lucas ruled on it and Disney Ruled on it, both ruled there is no middle ground, you cannot use both sides of the Force and not fall to the Darkside. Everyone plays by the same rules. No special snowflake Grey Jedi idiot crap.
I don’t get it, have you guys even seen a Star Wars movie?
“The Sith learned how to manipulate both sides of the Force, and then they fell into the trap of being corrupted by the dark side.”
~ George Lucas , Sci-Fi Online interview, 2005ish
The Darkside corrupts all that use it.
George Lucas on the bottom line of Star Wars.
“The secret, ulitmately, which is the bottom line in Star Wars and the other movies us there are two kinds of people in the world, compassionate people and selfish people. The selfish people live on the Darkside. The compassionate people live on the Lightside.
“If you go to the side of the Light you will be happy because of compassion, helping other people, not thinking about yourself, thinking about others, that gives you a joy that you can’t get any other way. Being selfish, following your pleasures, always entertaining yourself with
pleasure, and buying stuff and doing stuff, you’re always going to be unhappy.
You’ll never get to the point. You’ll get this little shot of pleasure but it goes away and than you’re stuck where you were before and the more you do it, the worse it gets. You finally get everything you want and you’re miserable because there’s nothing at the end of that road.
Whereas if you are compassionate and you get to the end of the road you’ve helped so many people.”
“If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side, but ultimately it would be your undoing.”
~George Lucas, AotC DVD commentary track [during Shmi’s funeral]
“It’s not that they can’t see the Dark Side coming, it’s just that the Dark Side begins to envelop everything. It’s like walking into a fog. The Jedi’s
ability to see lessens as the Dark Side grows.”
–George Lucas
“The core of the Force….you’ve got the Lightside and the Darkside, one is selfless, one is selfish, and you want to keep them in balance. What happens when you go to the Darkside, It [The Force] goes out of balance.”
~ George Lucas, 2010
video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiImoO5QkcA – [50 second mark]
“The Darkside is always there, it is experienced daily by people. It’s like a huge cancer, alive, festering – both a reminderof the moral state and, at the same time symptom and symbol of a very sick society”
~ George Lucas, “The Mythology of Star Wars”, Joseph Campell and the Power of Myth DVD, 2001
*”The Force has two sides – [Light and Dark].* It is not an inherently malevolent or a benevolent thing. *It has a bad side* to it, involving hate and fear, *and it has a good side*, involving love, charity, fairness and hope.”
~ George Lucas
“Friendships, honestly, trust, doing the right thing, living on the right side and avoiding the dark side,” Lucas said. “Those are the things it was meant to
~ Lucas on Star Wars and what its about, 2017
How would you articulate the message of the Star Wars movies?
“The message of the Star Wars films is pretty classic. There’s good and evil and the hero’s journey, his quest.”
~ George Lucas, May 2020
“People have a tendency to confuse it — everybody has the Force. Everybody. You have the good side and you have the bad side. And as Yoda says, if you choose the bad side, it’s easy because you don’t have to do anything. Maybe kill a few people, cheat, lie, steal. Lord it over everybody. But the good side is hard because you have to be compassionate. You have to give of yourself. Whereas the dark side is selfish.”
~ George Lucas, 2019
You have to choose, you can’t be both selfish and selfless at the same time.
**”That’s the whole point of Star Wars. You can be selfless, or selfish. This is what George spoke about the most.** This will lift you up, this will tear you down. **It’s really that simple, and that’s the Force in a nutshell”**
~ Dave Filoni 2016
“Are ‘Grey Jedi’ canon or just a fan fic thing?”*
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm story group] 2018 – *’Yeah its basically a fan thing. It doesn’t really make sence with the way the Force works.’*
Question – “Surely there is harmony in both the light and the darkside? A way to control both and not be consumed by evil?’
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – “That sort of goes against what Star Wars is all about. The Darkside corrupts.”
*”There really is no such thing as ‘grey Jedi’ in our stories”*
-Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
*”I have never heard that term [Grey Jedi] used in any of our storytelling”*
-Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – *”Point is it seems implausible to maintain a state of “grey”, being a bit light and a bit dark. The dark would take over.”*
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2019
“as George [Lucas] says, the Dark side corrupts. So one couldn’t stay ‘in the middle’ for long. The EU isn’t a great example for proper usage of the Force”
“The Darkside comes at a cost. That cost has to be more than “it makes me a badass.”*
~ Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
*”Remember that if a fictional character thinks something,it doesnt necessarily mean they’re right.”*
~ Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
Commentor – “The Bendu is in the ‘middle’ of both sides. I was wondering if the Dark Side was a literal side or a corruption of the Force.”
Pablo Hidalgo Reply – “We only have the Bendu’s word on that. No one is in any position to set anything in stone about the Force. As it should be.”
[Obviously Lucas was].
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – ” In Star Wars terms, Dark and Light are pretty clear cut and it’s safe to say Ahsoka is Light.”*
Matt Martin Reponse [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – “Ahsoka is a pure good soul. There’s no grey there.”*
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 –
“I think there’s a big difference between being perfect and being grey. Nobody is perfect, even Jedi. Constantly making dark choices pushes one into the dark side. Occasionally letting emotions get the better of them then recovering from it is just life.”*
Matt Martin – [Lucasfilm Story Group] – 2018
“I wouldn’t consider Qui-Gon grey either [Ashoka]. They’re good, light side Force users who happen to shirk some of the dogma of the Jedi Order.”*
Matt Martin – [Lucasfilm Story Group] – 2019
“Vader was never ‘gray’. I’m not saying a person can’t be redeemed, but to exist in that middle seems unlikely. When Anakin turned, he turned.It’s pretty black and white.”
Pablo Hidalgo, Lucasfilm Story Group, 2017
Pablo – “I’m a gray cop. Oh, I don’t do any police work. No forms. No paperwork. Turned in my badge and gun. Don’t go to work. I kill and steal VCRs.”
Commentor – “Than what would we call Ashoka?
Pablo – A former Jedi.
“I don’t get the whole ‘Grey Jedi thing.”
– Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
“I keep getting asked about ‘Grey Jedi’. What is that? Like an Irish Monk?”
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2016
“Don’t rightly know what a ‘Grey Jedi’ is. She’s [Ahsoka] a former Jedi. That much I know.” [Sarcasm]*
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2016
“There is no ‘Grey Jedi’ symbol.”
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2017
Pablo Hidaldo’s [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – “Grey Jedi Code”*
P.S. J.J. I am shocked you okayed my posts.
Very respectable of you.
Good on you, man.