If you’ve never seen Freeform’s Single Drunk Female series, do yourself a favor and fix it. This series was one of my favorites of last year. The show tackles difficult subject matter in a digestible that touches your heart and gives support.
I had a chance to interview multiple cast members of the series during which they discuss the importance of the show, and how it has affected them personally. They also talk about the messages they receive from fans who have been helped by the show.

At the end of season one, Sam (Sofia Black-D’Elia) is sober, processing why she drinks so much and is continuing to make amends to those in her life. Now, with one year of sobriety under her belt, she’s able to (reluctantly) let go of Gail (her probation officer) and continue her life one day at a time.
Sam heads to Brit’s (Sasha Compère) wedding where she finds her panicking about marrying Joel (Charlie Hall). You know…the relationship that ended their friendship. After getting in a fight, Sam leaves running into James (Garrick Bernard) who is DRUNK.
The only happy thing to come out of this finale is Felicia (Lily Mae Harrington). Brit invited a fellow doctor friend, Peter, in order to hook her up and it’s working!
In the final moments of season one, we see Brit show up at Sam’s door telling her she went through with the wedding. But as you can see through her sobs…this wasn’t the right choice.

Season 2 of Single Drunk Female is all about everyone finding they’re own personal higher power. In AA, a higher power is used to help those in the program find a power greater than themselves to hold onto in the tough moments. So, while season 1 of Single Drunk Female mostly followed Sam and how the characters in the series fit into her disastrous life, season 2 spreads out the storylines. We see how those around her are also looking for strength in their own situations.
As we know, Sam is continuing to make amends, get a job, and maybe even start a new relationship. With James off the bandwagon, it’s not a good idea for them to be together. However, through the process, Sam continues to learn more about herself and her sobriety. One of the biggest examples they show is while she is no longer drinking, she can still have “drunk” moments.
One of her largest struggles is the loss of her sponsor. This is where we meet one of the new characters of season 2 played by Busy Philips (Dawson’s Creek). Her style of sponsorship is completely different than her previous one. So, Sam has to learn to adjust, trust, and find her higher power.
James is continuing to struggle with his sobriety. He’s very much in his own negotiation stages figuring out if he can allow himself to have a drink. I found his storyline interesting, as he finds his way back to church and it’s only there does he find the strength to admit he’s an alcoholic and the support he needs to better himself.
Brit divorces Joel in her own power play of finding herself, and figuring out why she felt the need to marry him in the first place. Felicia is struggling with feeling good enough to be with Peter. Peter is a doctor, supportive, and handsome. All the things she doesn’t feel worthy of.
We even delve deeper into Samatha’s mother, Carol (Ally Sheedy), as she continues to invade Samatha’s privacy causing more rifts between her and her daughter. However, what I love about her storyline this season is the introduction of Al-Anon which is a support group for family and friends of Alcoholics.
While not much really happens during Season 2 of Single Drunk Female, including no huge cliffhanger, this season was important to the overall arc of the story. We have now set everyone onto their respective paths, watched them slowly grow, and gotten them ready for whatever is coming their way.
While there’s no announcement about a season 3 just yet, I hope the importance and message of this series hit the masses and get to stick around for a while to come.