In this new surge of LGBTQIA content, we have seen primarily young people coming to terms with who they are. As well as, establishing their place in this world, or going through their wild child phase. What we haven’t seen is a lot of content for those of us who have moved through that time in our lives. Well, Netflix’s new series Uncoupled is the answer to that call.

Uncoupled stars Neil Patrick Harris as Michael (How I Met Your Mother), as a gay realtor who has just hit 40. Michael has been in a 17-year relationship with Colin, (Tuk Watkins / Desperate Housewives). Michael is surrounded by a wonderful friend group that only comes with 20-30 years of cultivation that we just don’t see in these teen-centered shows.
Suzanne (Tisha Campbell / Martin) is his real estate partner. Billy (Emerson Brooks) plays the older gay guy who is still successfully robbing the college cradle. Then there’s his bestie Stanley played by Brooks Ashmanskas (Better Nate Than Ever). Then there are the Jonathans (Colin Hanlin and Jai Rodriguez) who are a couple who has been together for a while as well. This whole group has integrated Colin into their fabric over the years. This is typically what happens when one of their own is in a relationship.

Uncoupled starts, as you might have guessed, with Michael and Colin breaking up in the first episode. The remainder of the series is Micheal figuring out how to handle having the rug pulled out from under him. As well as, how to navigate dating in a VERY different world from when he last had to do so.
I absolutely love how real this series is. No matter your sexual orientation, this show is relatable. Most of us have had a relationship, whether sexual or nonsexual, end suddenly and have had to learn how to navigate the world again without that person.
NPH is fanstic in this role. I know some out there got NPH fatigue, but personally, I’m so glad to see him back on my small screen in such a big way. The supporting characters are wonderful. Everyone is written as a fully realized character and there truly are no weak links.
If I had one hang-up is that the series does end with a pretty predictable cliffhanger. While I’m excited for the possibility of a season 2, I wish I hadn’t seen the ending coming.
Netflix’s Uncoupled is a beautiful, easy-watch 8 episodes at about a half hour each and is available on Netflix right now! Do yourself a favor and give this some time, you won’t regret it.