The video game arms race continues; Sony is buying Bungie. The creators of Halo and Destiny are heading to the land of PlayStation. The acquisition is for $3.6 billion. It comes just after Microsoft lit the gaming world on fire with their purchase of Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion. According to a blog post from CEO Pete Parsons, “Bungie will continue to independently publish and creatively develop our games”.

The post went on to say: “In SIE, we have found a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independence that beats in Bungie’s heart. Like us, SIE believes that game worlds are only the beginning of what our IPs can become. Together, we share a dream of creating and fostering iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations, and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment mediums.​”

What this means for games like Destiny going forward is unknown at the moment. This just furthers the race between Microsoft and Sony for video game supremacy. This, of course, is probably bad for the industry as a whole, exclusivity on this scale doesn’t breed competition. We’ll have to see what happens from this deal in regards to Bungie’s games.

For more on gaming news, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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