From HBOMax and CBC comes a fantastic comedy, Sort of. Which centers around a gender-fluid person of Pakistani heritage, Sabi, who is in the midst of running away from their problems only to turn and face them head-on.
What is Sort of?
Sort of is created, written by, and stars Bilal Baig and the series director Fab Filippo (Queer as Folk). The show gives you 8, 25-ish minute episodes that are funny, full of heart, and have you rooting for the characters around every corner.
When the series begins, we see Sabi has a terrible boyfriend and is being let go from her nanny job since the kids are older now. Feeling lost and confused, they talk with their best friend, Seven, who offers them free rent in a flat in Berlin! Who could turn that down? However, the kid’s mother is in a bicycle accident and is now in a coma leaving Sabi to decide what they actually want to do with their life. Stay for the children or go to Berlin?
Why this series is so great!

What I love about Sort of is that it is unapologetic when it comes to someone wanting to live their authentic life. Sabi isn’t hiding from the world, apologizing for who they are. Instead, they are open and proud – unless it comes to their mother. The storyline is fresh and exciting while the writing is dark and hilarious–especially with Baig’s dry delivery that sells every moment they’re on screen.
A character like Sabi is few and far between or maybe a random sidekick in another series on television. But since Baig is themselves queer, trans-feminine, and Pakistani in real life, the series is able to tell a more genuine story than you may typically see. The series is also able to tackle queer subjects from a more honest place as well, but in a way that is approachable for anyone unfamiliar or just curious.
My only complaints are that I wish the series was longer – 8 episodes is not enough. Also, some of my favorite scenes are the flashbacks between Sabi and the mother who is in a coma. Their friendship connection is so sincere that I wish we had more moments like them before she went into the coma. This, for me, would make Sabi’s decision at the end of the first episode make more sense to me.
Make sure to check out Sort of now streaming on HBOMax and check out That Hashtag Show for more reviews!