Bloodsport 6 had a pretty exciting card before the main event, including Chavo Guerrero Jr., Rocky Romero, Allysin Kay, and Lio Rush. What we had as our main event was a bout, years in the making. Jon Moxley vs. Josh Barnett. The two were originally supposed to fight back in 2019. It took a staph infection to take Moxley out of the bout against Barnett.

It’s a battle of a former UFC Heavyweight Champion vs. an AEW World Champion. In this world of half shoot-fight/half pro wrestling, this is one of the dream matchups. Jon Moxley is already a certified badass. Josh Barnett is one of the baddest men in the history of MMA.

A Hell Of A Fight For Moxley And Barnett

This was built up for an entire year. Was it worth the wait?


Josh Barnett and Jon Moxley went to war for nothing more than a fight. There was no title on the line. No big payday. Just two of the baddest dudes in the sport kicking the crap out of each other. Barnett and Moxley had several hard hitting moments that ended up with both men wearing the crimson mask.

While the ending had some controversy, luckily logic prevailed and Jon Moxley wasn’t allowed to continue the fight. Those kicks from Josh Barnett at the end were stiff and definitely took something out of Mox. Moxley looked like he was going to take the fight to Barnett and win, but Barnett took the punches and rolled with it.

This was all about these two beating the crap out of each other.

Barnett ended up winning via referee stoppage. While you might not agree with the decision, it was the right one getting Barnett the victory. Moxley is already a huge star and this means that we can get another fantastic bout between these two. I’d definitely go for at least another match.

Moxley And Barnett Cut A Hell Of A Promo After The Bout

This bout was the best of the night, and it might rival the best that the Wrestlemania weekend has to offer. Barnett winning his own promotion’s fight was a bit surprising, but it gave the bout that big fight feel. The comradery after the fact only added to how great this match was. Moxley and Barnett should go at it again after this, it’s only a question of when. Moxley was the top of the heap for Bloodsport, but now it’s all about Barnett once again.

This bout was probably the best thing you could have shown someone about what this promotion is all about. Hard hitting, and energetic fighting.

It would get nearly a perfect score if it wasn’t for the weird referee stoppage at the end, but that’s quibbling.

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