Remember your childhood days of wandering through a Toys “R” Us, looking for that perfect toy for your very own? Well, it appears that someone is trying to revive that feeling, with the very same company to boot.

According to Bloody Disgusting, WHP Global announces that they have bought a controlling interest in Tru Kids, Inc. While they’re not the only company with shares in Tru Kids, they do now control the majority of the shares. Henceforth, they will now manage the brand and direct its “strategic expansion”. Whatever that means. Note that none of this details what WHP Global plans to do with the brand. Only that they apparently won’t let the brand die. At least, not until they too file for bankruptcy.

Toys “R” Us: The Brand That Keeps On Reviving
Who are Tru Kids, you might ask? Why they’re the parent company of Toys “R” Us and the associated Babies “R” Us.

Tru Kids bought Toys “R” Us out back in October 2018 after the latter filed for bankruptcy. Since then, Tru Kids have owned the intellectual property of the Toys “R” Us brand, and have basically done nothing with them. Although to be completely fair, they were a bit hampered by the whole COVID-19 business. It’s partially why the last Toys “R” Us store just recently closed down on January 26, 2021.

Is the Toys “R” Us brand cursed now? Will WHP Global be the next company to file for bankruptcy after attempting to revive the brand? We’ll just have to see whenever they have any official news for us later.
WHP Global just bought a controlling interest in TRU Kids, Inc.: the parent company of Toys “R” Us. They apparently plan to manage it and direct its “strategic expansion”. Whatever that means. It’s about as specific as we can get without any official news. We’ll just have to wait and see if our kids can ever visit any toy–filled warehouses in the future.
Source: Bloody Disgusting