It’s time for another episode of Streaming Wars! Each week our hosts Chelsea Schwartz and Yael Tygiel sit down to discuss the biggest and best titles headed to streaming. 

With so many streaming services out there, it can be hard to keep track of what to watch. We’ll keep you in the loop as we crown a new winning service each week.

In this week’s episode, Waffles & Mochi brings classic Sesame Street vibes to Netflix (with Michelle Obama as host) and hits the female empowerment teen movement on the head with Moxie. We finally talk about WandaVision, which impresses except for Fietro and the multiverse implications. Hulu gets Staged season 2 and Kid 90. Disney+ Premier Access premieres Raya and the Last Dragon (spend the $30!), but the top streaming movie of the weekend was Amazon’s Coming 2 America. And Paramount+ basically brings back Nick at Nite, and we’re here for it.

Check out all this and more in the latest episode of Streaming Wars!

See you next week, and until then, happy streaming!