You know all the rumors about The CW’s live-action adaptation of The Powerpuff Girls? Well, now it’s official. The CW have officially ordered a pilot episode. Guess we’ll now see how the girls do on the live-action scene.

Unfortunately, that pilot order from The CW is all we’ve got from Comic Book. We have no idea when this The Powerpuff Girls pilot will air. We don’t have any idea as to who will play Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, and all the other characters yet. And, we don’t even have any idea who will direct this series. All we got is that pilot order, and that’s it.
Well, maybe that’s not quite true. We do have some other solid bits of official info about this live-action The Powerpuff Girls series. Heather Regnier and Diablo Cody will be writing for the show. The former apparently wrote for Veronica Mars and the Sleepy Hollow series. The latter, however, wrote for the award-winning and critically acclaimed Juno. Honestly, if this live-action The Powerpuff Girls series is anything like Juno, I would be quite happy to watch it.
The Juno Girls?

Juno is a 2007 coming-of-age dramedy film directed by Jason Reitman, but as said before, the writing was all Diablo Cody. It’s been a long while since I watched it, but from what I remember, it was a pretty funny film. It also got a 94% from Rotten Tomatoes based on 217 reviews, so that should tell you that even critics found it hilarious.
Since Diablo Cody is serving as the writer (and possible even executive producer) for this The Powerpuff Girls live-action series, I now have high hopes for it. If she borrow from Juno a bit, we may actually see likeable and funny version of Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup as jaded adults. I know that may sound a bit contradictory, but even jaded, cynical adults can be funny in the right context too.

The CW has officially ordered the pilot episode for the live-action The Powerpuff Girls series. Unfortunately, that’s all we have for news until The CW decides to give us something official later on. I know people have had mixed feelings about this at best, but if you were a fan of Juno, you might want to give this new series a chance.
Source: Comic Book