Finally the back and forth of the two teams in one series is over as Power Rangers kicks off featuring the OMEGA RANGERS and a new “ally.” Like I said before about MIGHTY MORPHIN #1, it’s a smooth transition from their last scene in MMPR #53 to where we are now. Just picks right up from where we left off and now we don’t have to worry about the monotonous back and forth between two teams.
Power Rangers shenanigans in SPAAAAAACE
While in transit the Omegas are practicing in ZERO-GRAVITY! This is a change of pace as we get some fun dialogue back and forth. Plus Trini totally kicks their spandex! and Zack doesn’t like space cats?
WAIT! BOTH TEAMS are in this issue!
Yes I know I said POWER RANGERS is going to be a stand-alone series! If you recall the rangers were headed back to Earth to confer with Zordon about the new Empyreal villain. So yes there are several panels featuring all the rangers!
At this point, I can’t go into too many details, but we did recently interview Power Rangers writer Ryan Parrott and he can give you a few hints of what’s in store for both teams check it out!
Don’t Forget the Covers
It’s a #1 issue so of course, there have to be umpteen variant covers! and yes there are more!
I can say that this Power Rangers series is going to be on a galactic scale! And the first issue sets up for one hell of a ride through space! So is this in your pull list? What did you think of the book? After you pick this up, let us know in the comments below or head on over to our THS FACEBOOK and make sure to follow me at OFF THE CUFF GAMING on Facebook and YouTube. Keep up with for all your latest Ranger news and everything trending “in Geek Pop Culture” and “May the Power Protect YOU!”