2020 what a year so far, right? We have seen so much this year. From the COVID-19 Pandemic to Riots, it feels like 2020 has been the year of confusion, pain, and hate. Well, through all this people still find a way to shine and give us some hope that things will get better. One of those people is a 5-year-old named Carver from Oregon. Carver whose heart is bigger then his age gifted the Firefighters Battling the Oregon Wildfires a Baby Yoda (The Child) and a note that will fill your heart with happiness.

Baby Yoda

Baby Yoda Fights Fires

It all started like a normal shopping trip for most families. While shopping Sasha Tinning and her grandson Carver came across The Child (Baby Yoda) doll.

“He was the last one on the shelf, just staring at us saying, ‘Take me with you! I need to go with you.’ So that’s kind of how it started,” said Tinning in a interview with FOX 12 Oregon.

But because of Carver’s big heart this Baby Yoda wasn’t going home with him to be played with. It was meant for people that he thought would need it more then him. So, they headed to a supply drive for the Oregon Firefighters and that’s when Carver gave the Firefighters a gift and a note that read:

“Thank you Firefighters here is a friend for you, in case you get lonely. Love Carver Age 5.”

Baby Yoda

Since then Baby Yoda has been keeping many first responders company, going from fire camp to fire camp, and even a few helicopter rides.

“These ash-covered firefighters, just covered from head to foot, holding this Baby Yoda. Every one of those pictures just makes my heart warm,” said Tinning. “He thought…if they needed a friend, because all of them are away from their families right now.” You can follow Baby Yoda’s adventures on this Facebook page.

Baby Yoda

Source: Fox 12 Oregon