Next trilogy – #3: Darth Bane and the Rule of Two
This one would get my vote for the darkhorse favorite. The Darth Bane trilogy in the EU novels was only second to Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn in my experience, and fans remember it, too. That’s why this story sticks out to many. Plus, it would tie to the Skywalker saga in a small way, as well as tying to events in Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Bane’s rule of two fundamentally changed the interaction between the Jedi and the Sith, and changed the face of the Sith forever. Something that cataclysmic deserves a serious look.
Another benefit of this trilogy is to lay out a lot of history of the Sith, and connect a lot of unexplained dots for casual fans. Making casual fans into fanatics means dollars for the franchise, and this story has that potential. Three actors come to mind that have the look of Bane, but not sure how they would fill the role. Dave Bautista is the fan-favorite, but the villain lead role in a trilogy needs a strong actor. I love Dave, but he’s not my choice. I’d go with Kevin Durand or Mark Strong, as they both have the look and charisma to carry a villainous role in a trilogy, especially Strong.
Abdul-jabbar as a jedi.