It’s one thing to say that starring in Star Wars could lead an actor to be type-cast thereafter. It’s another thing to say that such an effect is akin to a Star Wars curse. But when you start disrespecting the stars of the original trilogy, one of whom is deceased? Well, then you’ve crossed a line, and we here at That Hashtag Show aren’t standing for it.

Recently The Sun ran a piece about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker star Daisy Ridley (Rey). They talked to the young actress about the perils of appearing in a Star Wars film and the so-called Star Wars curse. Citing the examples of Mark Hamill’s and Carrie Fisher’s careers, they asked Ridley how she felt Star Wars would affect hers. Daisy Ridley responded “I’m not really scared. I get to do a really great thing with a great group of people. I’m already involved with other awesome things ….” That’s great for Ridley, but it was The Sun’s references to Hamill and Fisher where things went decidedly, disrespectfully, sideways.
The Sun disrespects Original Trilogy Stars

Following the original Star Wars trilogy, the Leia Organa actress went on to become an acclaimed writer (Postcards from the Edge), screenwriter, and praised spokesperson discussing the struggles of bi-polar disorder and drug addiction. The late Fisher suffered from both… which The Sun surreptitiously implies were the result of the Star Wars curse. Fisher’s issues, as everyone knows, stemmed not from Star Wars, but from her life as the child of Hollywood legend Debbie Reynolds. The article goes even further than ignoring Fisher’s accomplishments, however. It not-so-subtly suggests that Carrie Fisher became nothing more than another Hollywood burnout, belittling her struggles in the process.
“She became a drug addict, and a post mortem found she had taken cocaine, heroin and ecstasy shortly before her death three years ago,” the article states. To blame a Star Wars curse, and to not give the actress credit where it is most assuredly due, is nothing more that abject disrespect.
Discrediting success does not prove a Star Wars curse

When it comes to Mark Hamill, The Sun claims that the Luke Skywalker actor was “typecast in inferior sci-fi films after [Star Wars]” and did little more than “voice-over work.” Again they ignore the actor’s significant accomplishments. His voice-work has won him awards and award nominations, notably for his portrayal of the Batman villain “Joker.” But according to The Sun, apparently, Hamill also washed out because of the Star Wars curse in that he didn’t go on to have a blockbuster film career like his co-star Harrison Ford.
Ironically the article even suggests that Daisy Ridley is avoiding the Star Wars curse by starring in other projects. One project the article cites? Chaos Walking, her film with Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Homecoming). You’ll likely remember we told how this was a movie studio executives deemed “unwatchable.”

(Image: Lionsgate Films)
How about this Sun: First, do your research. Citing an “un-releasable” film as proof an actor has avoided the Star Wars curse doesn’t exactly bolster your argument. Likewise, disrespecting Star Wars legends like Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill isn’t going to make that argument persuasive in the least.
It just makes your writer look petty. Feel free quote us on that.