Marvel Studios and Disney+ have graced fans with footage from their new upcoming shows. The commercial spot in the Super Bowl gave us a glimpse into The Falcon and Winter Soldier, Loki, and WandaVision. Giving each show some scenes to give us a taste of what is to come. This first look especially gives us an idea of what will happen in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series.

New Beginnings For The Falcon And The Winter Soldier?
First shot that we get into the trailer is Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) learning how to use Captain America’s shield. Last time we saw The Falcon we had an emotional conversation with Captain America in Avengers Endgame. This conversation consists of Steve Rogers handing the shield and the title of Captain America to Sam. Later we see the Falcon in action, only he is not wearing Captain America’s suit or using the shield. Instead we see him wearing an updated Falcon suit.

Later we get a shot of Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) pointing a gun at Helmut Zemo (Daniel Bruhl). Zemo was last seen in Captain America: Civil War. He was arrested and hasn’t been seen since. Could he have escaped? Is Bucky chasing him and trying to redeem himself in this new world? We’ll find out when the show comes out!

Lastly, we get a scene of a stadium full of fans cheering for Captain America. Only this Cap is not Sam. Rumors revolving around this show indicate that in the series, people don’t want Sam to be Captain America. Perhaps who we see in the trailer getting adored is the U.S Agent (Wyatt Russell)? We’ll also have to find that one out when the show comes out!

Bucky & Sam
We have seen this pair join forces before giving us a sense of Bucky and Sam’s relationship. Since Captain America: Winter Soldier all the way through Avengers Endgame. These characters have grown from hating each other, to tolerating each other, to liking each other. This up and down relationship has been comedic relief in the movies. This first look into The Falcon and The Winter Soldier certainly gives us a lot to play with and dream of, before it hits Disney+ in 2020.