The Star Wars fan base is nothing if not invested in its favorite franchise. Perhaps, admittedly, a little too invested at times. Fans have claimed that The Last Jedi ruined their childhood, after all. And we hung on every word spoken about the franchise, parsing and dissecting everything said to gain insight into Star Wars. That especially rings true for recent comments from Disney CEO Bob Iger, and that has some fans worried.

Recently he discussed Disney’s approach to the future of Star Wars on a shareholders’ call. What what he had to say has troubled fans. According to Cinema Blend, BogIger told shareholders that:
In the Star Wars case, Star Wars IX, which comes out this December ,will be the last of the Skywalker Saga and we’ll go into a hiatus for a few years before the next Star Wars feature.”
Bob Iger puts Star Wars on hiatus…but does he really?
Taking his words in context with recent franchise happenings, perhaps we can understand why some fans are concerned. He’s also recently admitted that Disney and Lucasfilm rushed Star Wars films to the market. Now, with Game of Thrones showrunners Benioff & Weiss abandoning their propose trilogy, fans are wondering if Bob Iger is pulling the plug on Star Wars.

Well, no, he’s not, and we already know that, so calm down. Star Wars is already slated to have a strong future on Disney+ in the near future. The Mandalorian, from the looks of the footage thus far, may even set a new standard for the franchise. And let’s not forget the upcoming Cassian Andor spy series. Oh, and this other little project about Obi-Wan Kenobi. Additionally, Bob Iger didn’t say the films are dead now, did he?

He said hiatus for a few years. Well guess what, gang? Star Wars was already going on hiatus for a few years. The next film wasn’t scheduled until 2022 in any event. So what Bob Iger told shareholders is nothing we didn’t already know. And let’s be honest: taking a few years to distance the franchise from the divisiveness of The Last Jedi and the studio’s poor handling of Solo: A Star Wars Story? Not necessarily a bad idea.
The Mandalorian debuts this coming Tuesday, November 9. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters December 20.
Source: Cinema Blend