This past month I found myself traveling to the great state of Ohio. No, it wasn’t to watch that killer defense THE Ohio State Buckeyes have been destroying teams with this year. It was to head down to Cincinnati for the 2019 Cincinnati Comic Expo. There just like all cons were amazing comic artists, vendors and actors. But, for STAR WARS fans this con had something special.

The Original Trilogy Actors
At the Cincinnati Comic Expo, STAR WARS fans were greeted to actors from the Original Trilogy. You had Alan Harris who played Bossk and was the person that wore the prototype Boba Fett suit. Also, there was Michael Pennington who played Moff Jerjerrod from STAR WARS: The Return of the Jedi. From the rebellion we had Angus Maclnnes (Gold Leader), Garriack Hagon (Biggs), and the voice of Wedge Antilles David Ankrum. Last but not least was John Morton. Some fans may remember him as Dak but the die-hard Boba Fett fans also know that he played Fett on Bespin in STAR WARS: The Empire Strikes Back. Luckily, I was able to sit down with Morton and talk about his time on the set of The Empire Strikes Back.
SEE ALSO: Boba Fett Concept Art Escapes Star Wars Archives!
One on one with John Morton
First off it was an honor to sit down with John Morton and talk STAR WARS. You could just tell how he talked and interacted with fans that he has great passion and love for his roles and STAR WARS. Of course, the first question I had to ask was how did he get his part in The Empire Strikes Back?

Morton on how it Started
In the 70s I was doing stage work as a musician and electrician. I got cast in a musical that opened at the Orange Tree and then I decided to pick up an agent. My agent told me that he could get me some film work and I ended up doing a part in The Bridge to Far. From there I appeared in other film roles and that lead to me being in The Empire Strikes Back.“

The Call
I got the call that I was cast as one of the rebel pilots. Well, when I got to the set that’s when I was told that I was going to be Luke Skywalkers co-pilot, Dak. When I was told he was going to die I was OK with it because people would remember Luke’s co-pilot and they did. Not only from being teamed with luke, but also because of Dak’s famous line… ‘Right Now, I feel like I can take on the Empire all by myself.’”
Bespin Boba Fett John Morton
So, with me being a big Boba Fett fan I couldn’t wait to ask the next question. How did you end up playing Boba Fett? Here is what John Morton had to say:
“During the time on the set there were some technical and scheduling issues. So originally, I was only going to do two days of work. Well because of these issues it turned into 4 weeks. Jeremy Bulloch who had another commitment for another film needed someone to stand in for him. So, since I have worked with the First and Second Assistant from other films, they knew I was a team player. And I was also about the same size as Jeremy so I became Boba Fett. It just happens to be the scene at the carbon freezing chamber where I got to turn to Darth Vader and say the notorious line… “He’s no good to me dead.””
(Next: Morton discusses Boba Fett’s popularity.)