Marvel is now the owner of all of the Fox-Marvel properties. And with that came the box office disappointment of Dark Phoenix. But Disney and Marvel also now own the yet-to-be-released New Mutants.

Now, this film has now been delayed three times already. Twice has been forreshoots, and that third time because of Disney switching movie release dates to accommodate it’s new slate of films. But now it seems that the future for New Mutants is grim.

Last week, Fox had gotten their First Quarter earnings grade back, and it wasn’t good. Walt Disney Company Chairman Bob Iger even said:

“the Fox studio performance … was well below where it had been and well below where we hoped it would be when we made the acquisition.”

What This Means For New Mutants

New Mutants
Image: 20th Century Fox

For Fox, that’s not a good sign at all, especially because of films like Dark Phoenix not doing well at the box office. Since New Mutants hasn’t yet been released, this could give Disney some time to reshoot the film if they have to.

Unfortunately, though, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Disney is saying that New Mutants has limited box office potential, and they are unimpressed by the film. For an X-Men film to be a horror-thriller, it needs to be a good film.

With the case of it not having box office potential, there are three options for this film then:

  • Release it on Disney+
  • Release it on Hulu
  • Scrap it and cancel it altogether

The easiest option for Disney would be to cancel the film altogether. If it doesn’t have the box office potential, not releasing at all is the safest bet.

They could also release it to either Disney+ or Hulu. There were rumors for months about it releasing to Hulu, so releasing it to there isn’t a horrible option.

Having it on Disney+ isn’t a horrible idea. It would probably still get the PG-13 rating, but it at least it wouldn’t garner a hard R rating. That would at least,, in theory, draw in more of an audience.

Hopefully, Disney gets something figured out for New Mutants soon.

Source: Variety