As many of you know tickets for STAR WARS Celebration Anaheim went on sale this week. Many fans were waiting at their computers at 9am PST for their chance to get ahold of their tickets for next years STAR WARS fun in California. But one thing the fans were not expecting was how fast the tickets sold out.
The Force was strong in Celebration ticket sales
When fans jumped onto the Star Wars Celebration page, they were greeted to an online queuing system. Some people got through pretty quickly and others were there for a while. As expected just like other years the Jedi Master badges sold out within a few minutes. But the shocking thing was how fast the 4 day and Saturday passes were gone.
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If you remember for STAR WARS Celebration Chicago it only took two days for the five day passes to sell out. Well this year it did not even take one day for the passes to be gone. The four days passes sold out in over an hour and the Saturday passes sold out in under five hours.
Don’t worry yet
I know by looking at some of the STAR WARS groups that some fans were not able to get their hands on the passes they wanted for STAR WARS Celebration. Well there still will possibly be a chance for you to get tickets as fans will not be able to use theirs as things pop up. Celebration will again be using the Lyte Ticket Exchange where fans will be able to put their tickets up for sale. This is what Lyte posted on their page:
Star Wars Celebration has officially partnered with Lyte to provide fans with a way to secure official tickets after they have sold out. All tickets are issued by our ticketing provider, ShowClix, and the service Lyte provides will be the most trusted and secure way for fans to get access to tickets that have sold out. More details will be coming very soon!
Now if you were not looking for the four day or Saturday passes there are still single day passes available on the STAR WARS Celebration page.
SEE ALSO: STAR WARS Celebration The Event You Will Never Forget

We want to hear from you
Were you able to get your Celebration tickets? What did you think about the queuing system? Well That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you. You can do that by hitting us up on Twitter @thathashtagshow and myself @starwarsnerd574. You can also comment from this article as well. Also make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at I can’t wait to see you all next year at STAR WARS Celebration.