We now know Disney’s schedule for upcoming Star Wars films. Speculation has thus turned to guessing what those future films will hold. There have been enough “leaks” and other rumors, including inferences from Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, to suggest that the next film era of Star Wars will focus on the Old Republic. With Game of Thrones showrunners Benioff and Weiss at the helm of the next trilogy, that makes sense. But what if the next Star Wars films give us a new era entirely? What if The Rise of Skywalker heralds the era of the Gray Jedi?

The Gray are often a topic of contention within the Star Wars fan base. For some fans, the notion is untenable. The Jedi are the protectors of the light, and the Sith are the keepers of the dark side of the Force. Gray Jedi cannot exist in that dichotomy. For others, Gray Jedi are not only natural, but necessary. Frankly, everything leading up to Star Wars: Episode IX, and beyond, almost makes their existence inevitable.
Can a future Star Wars trilogy focus on Gray Jedi?

The key belief that the Gray Jedi hold is that all must be in balance, not simply the Force. That means they themselves must be in balance. Without dark, there can be no light, and vice versa. Both dwell within every sentient being, and thus one must learn to accept and control both in order to be in balance. That’s not to say they are morally ambiguous. They’re more like… morally ambidextrous.
Look closely at existing canon and you’ll already find multiple characters that fit the description of Gray Jedi. Some of whom could even appear in a trilogy set after the events of Star Wars: Episode IX. Ahsoka Tano is a prime example.

Ahsoka learned a hard lesson during The Clone Wars Season 5. She experienced first-hand the Jedi hubris Luke Skywalker described in The Last Jedi. She left the order, but did not abandon her Jedi ideals. Still, she was no longer Jedi. Even her white lighstabers showed she’d become something…. Different.
Other Grays in Star Wars Canon
One could describe other, established characters as Gray Jedi, as well. Qui-Gon Jinn, and his friend Rael Averross (as noted in Claudia Gray’s novel Master and Apprentice) have certainly dipped into their dark side from time to time. Yet, Qui-Gon especially stayed true to fundamental Jedi principal. Similarly, Luke Skywalker in RotJ could even be considered Gray. Most Jedi don’t resort to force-choking as their first means of negotiation.

Likewise, Star Wars Rebels’ Ezra Bridger could be the Gray Jedi poster boy. Don’t forget, he was able to open a Sith holocron, an ability no full Jedi should possess. Ezra, like Ahsoka, has not yet resurfaced since his last appearance in the Rebels series finale. He and Ahsoka could form the basis of a new order, and a starting point for an entire trilogy of films chronicling the Gray Jedi’s rise.
What do you think? Would you like to see the new Star Wars films focus on Gray Jedi? The Old Republic? Or something entirely different? Let us know in the comments!
Don’t go there, it’s a gray area.
There is only one legitmate canonical meaning for ‘Grey Jedi’, Jedi who are Lightsided who sometimes broke the rules and disobeyed the Council. That’s it. There is no other definition. All the stupidity of Light/Dark in the same person is fan made horseshit.
Qui-gon never used the Darkside once. And when someone does use it who is lightsided, that doesn’t make them ‘Grey’, it makes them that much closer to falling to the Darkside.
All of the people you said were grey are not.
Grey Jedi do not exist in canon. Don’t take my word for it, here is the Lucasfilm Story Group, the people who establish and maintain Canon in the Disney ruled on Grey [the same thing Lucas did, because Lucas canon is still canon]. There is no Grey Force.
“Are ‘Grey Jedi’ canon or just a fan fic thing?”
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm story group] – ‘Yeah its basically a fan thing. It doesn’t really make sence with the way the Force works’
There really is no such thing as ‘gray Jedi’ in our stories.
-Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
Matt Martin – “Point is it seems implausible to maintain a state of “grey”, being a bit light and a bit dark. The dark would take over.
The dark side comes at a cost. That cost has to be more than “it makes me a badass”
Quote from Pablo Hidalgo
“Remember that if a fictional character thinks something,it doesnt necessarily mean they’re right.”
– Pablo Hidalgo [Lucasfilm Story Group]
Question – “I find it hard to believe that anyone could be purely light. Everyone has some darkness in them.”
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] – “Sure. But by that logic everyone is grey. In Star Wars terms, dark and light are pretty clear cut and it’s safe to say Ahsoka is light.”
Question – “I’d say Ahsoka is grey, not light. Because the comic shows Anakins missing limbs as a light blue that seem to signify the light side of the force.”
Matt Martin Reponse [Lucasfilm Story Group] – “Ahsoka is a pure good soul. There’s no grey there.”
“Idk I think throughout the clone wars Ahsoka Let her anger get the best of her sometimes”
There was that time she force choked a trandoshan. Though it was only for a brief moment before she threw him aside.” -2018
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] – “I think there’s a big difference between being perfect and being grey. Nobody is perfect, even Jedi. Constantly making dark choices pushes one into the dark side. Occasionally letting emotions get the better of them then recovering from it is just life.”
? 20 Dec 2018
Matt Martin [Lucasfilm Story Group] – “Out side of the story world, you just have to think that if every SW hero was always making perfect choices and never had any sort of internal conflict, SW would be pretty boring. It’s how the heroes react in those moments that keep them heroes… or not.”
“That’s the whole point of Star Wars. You can be selfless, or
selfish. This is what George spoke about the most. This will lift
you up, this will tear you down. It’s really that simple, and
that’s the Force in a nutshell” – Dave Filoni
Matt Martin – [Lucasfilm Story Group] – 2018
“I wouldn’t consider Qui-Gon grey either [Ashoka]. They’re good, light side Force users who happen to shirk some of the dogma of the Jedi Order. Not agreeing with the Jedi doesn’t necessarily push one closer to the dark. The Jedi are wrong so often that maybe QG and Ahsoka are right!”
Some more links with more quotes from the Lucasfilm Story Group –
Pablo – Disney stick to Lucas vision
@Grim_alkun WOW! That’s probably the most thorough response I’ve ever seen to an article in the comment section. You should write is as an article, then I can publish it to the site and the Star Wars Fanatics community for you!
I got some more information on the ‘Grey Jedi’ thingy so I thought I’d add them. Been a while, but I always remembered your kind comment and that was very much appreciated.
As far as that symbol, that’s actually the symbol of the Jedi Order of the Republic, if you watch the Clone Wars TV series, you see they have that symbol on their shoulder pads.
*”I keep getting asked about ‘Grey Jedi’. What is that? Like an Irish Monk?”*
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2016
*”Don’t rightly know what a ‘Grey Jedi’ is. She’s [Ahsoka] a former Jedi. That much I know.” [Sarcasm]*
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2016
*”There is no ‘Grey Jedi’ symbol.”*
~ Pablo Hidalgo,[Lucasfilm Story Group] 2017
Pablo Hidaldo’s [Lucasfilm Story Group] 2018 – *”Grey Jedi Code”*
Just a heads up on this last one, this Pablo making fun of the concept because it’s so antithetical to canon. [Both Lucas and Disney – Its why Lucas refused to canonize Revan. See below for info on that]
*Revan wiki confirms Lucas directly refused to Canonize Revan.* [Canon Tab]
“In 2011, Revan was slated to appear in “Ghosts of Mortis,” an episode of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Revan would have appeared as a Sith Lord alongside Darth Bane as advisors to the powerful Force wielder known as the Son, but they were ultimately cut from the episode in late production. *The show’s director, Dave Filoni, was apprehensive of using the scene, and the scene was removed at George Lucas’s request because itconflicted with Lucas’s view on the Force.* The scene made it to the animatics stage and can be viewed in the bonus content on the Blu-ray edition of Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Complete Season Three.”
*Confirmed here as well -*
Clone Wars Fandom:
*”The scene was created, however George Lucas chose to delete it because it conflicted with his idea of the Force.”*