We are just a month away from Star Wars Celebration, and so much is happening at the event. They have already announced panels for Star Wars Resistance and The Clone Wars. There will even be a 20th anniversary panel for The Phantom Menace. An incredible number of celebrities involved with all mediums of Star Wars are also attending. Now we know for certain that yes, we are getting a Star Wars: Episode IX panel, too!

Star Wars: Episode IX Panel Coming to Celebration

We learned that last week at Disney’s Shareholders Meeting, the shareholders got to see the first Episode IX footage. Granted, that footage wasn’t released to the general public, but multiple reports have mentioned that we will be getting the first trailer for the film sometime in April.

The first cast member from the film that has been announced to appear at Celebration is Oscar Issac. JJ Abrams will be there for the panel, but no other cast members have been announced yet.

Star Wars: Episode IX

Trailer-wise, look back to 2015 at Celebration Anaheim. Based on the what the first marketing materials were for The Force Awakens, you’ll get a good idea of what to hopefully expect for Episode IX. JJ and the cast will be talking about minor details about the film, and then showing off the first trailer.

As for the film’s title, Lucasfilm could decide to go the Marvel route. If they did that, they could have a trailer play before Avengers: Endgame, and reveal the film’s title then. There has been no official word yet for either the trailer or the title, however, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Star Wars: Episode IX opens December 20, 2019. Stay tuned here to That Hashtag Show for all your Episode IX and other Star Wars news!

Source: ScreenRant