In an article on written by Justin LaBar, Shane Helms, “The Hurricane”, will return to WWE in a backstage role.

Helms has been in the wrestling business for over twenty years and has experience not only on WWE television, but on Impact as well. He has most recently been with Ring Of Honor, working a program with “The Villain” Marty Scurll.

This comes on the heels of WWE recently hiring long-time Impact Wrestling employees Abyss and Sonjay Dutt. Shane Helms is expected to start with the company today, while Abyss and Dutt are expected to start in February.

Shane Helms Returns to WWE

Probably the most interesting quote about these new hires comes from Triple H’s recent media call:

“So many people speak highly of them and their jobs over the years, from a talent standpoint and other standpoint, so, I’m looking forward to working with them and seeing where they best fit through all of this, as we all are. Everybody here will determine where they fit, what they want to do, and how they can help contribute in the best way to the product going forward.”

Shane Helms

So the roles have yet to be defined. Could we see some sort of a player-coach role for this trio? It is fun to speculate seeing Abyss in a WWE ring, having a small run. Or seeing Sonjay Dutt on 205 Live putting over younger talent. Maybe The Hurricane could show up on Smackdown Live or RAW sooner than later.

Either way, these three will bring a fresh new take to the various brands of WWE.