Game of Thrones has earned a reputation for having some of the best story telling on television. That’s due in good part to George R.R. Martin’s source material. Notwithstanding, it was showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss that truly brought the world of Westeros to life. That’s why Disney and Lucasfilm didn’t hesitate to hand Benioff & Weiss the reins to a brand new Star Wars trilogy. Rumored to be set in the time of the Old Republic, the new films are likely to draw comparisons to Game of Thrones. That may even include some cross-overGoT actors.

Last spring, the father of Star Wars himself, George Lucas, visited the GoT set to speak with Benioff and Weiss. Perhaps not coincidentally, Disney announced the two would helm a new Star Wars trilogy a couple of months later. More interesting than Lucas’s visit, however, were comments from actor Liam Cunningham, who plays Sir Davos Seaworth.
GoT Star to Appear in Benioff and Weiss Star Wars Trilogy?

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Cunningham sang praises about Benioff and Weiss and their storytelling abilities. In doing so, he may have let slip that he too will be a part of the new trilogy when it begins production:
It’s funny because George came here and talked to the boys, and the one thing the Star Wars franchise has been missing lately is decent storytelling. There’s a lot of brilliant stuff in Star Wars, it’s an epic franchise, but occasionally, story-wise, it’s left a little to be desired. Dan and David are brilliant at surprises and can transfer the demographic from this show to that [franchise]. They’re incredible at adapting a world and making it their own and they could add a layer of complexity to it. I’d love it if they gave me some words to say, though I’d probably just be in a helmet.”
~ Liam Cunningham on Benioff and Weiss producing Star Wars.
Game of Thrones Comes to Star Wars
Cunningham saying he’d love it if they gave him some lines certainly implies he’ll have a role in the new Star Wars production. Whether Benioff and Weiss actually give him dialogue, on the other hand, is another matter.
I for one would would welcome Cunningham in the new trilogy. He brings years of acting talent and a breadth of range and emotion to any character he plays. He’d be perfect to cross over as perhaps a sage old Jedi in a film that may very well include revered character Darth Revan.
How about you guys? Are you looking forward to Benioff and Weiss producing Star Wars? And are there other GoT actors you’d like to see make the move to the galaxy far, far, away? We here at That Hashtag Show are already compiling our list….