Well, it looks like not only are we getting a huge Nintendo Direct early this year, but it seems we’ll finally get official news of the Nintendo Switch Pro. Who knows? The name might still be that.
According to @Shpeshal_Nick on Twitter, Nintendo seems really keen on outdoing E3 this year. The rumor mill goes that Nintendo will be holding their Nintendo Direct show this Thursday on June 3, 2021; at 8 AM (PT)/11 AM (ET)/5 PM (CEST). This would put it 9 days earlier than E3 2021, which will start on June 12, 2021. Clearly, Nintendo is just showing off here.
Although, that Nintendo Direct rumor also comes with another rumor linked to it. @Shpeshal_Nick also reveals that this particular Nintendo Direct will feature the unveiling of the new 4k version of the Nintendo Switch. No one knows if this will be the Super Nintendo Switch or the Nintendo Switch Pro. All we know is that this Thursday, if this rumor bears fruit, we’ll finally get to see what this new Nintendo Switch’s real name is.
Nintendo Direct: Possible Breath of the Wild 2 News?

If Nintendo Direct is coming early this year to reveal the Super Nintendo Switch Pro (suggested name), maybe now we’ll finally get some news about the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild? Seriously, it’s been nearly 2 years since that first look trailer we got back in June 11, 2019 during that year’s E3. Please give us something, Nintendo.
Nintendo rumors abound of an early Nintendo Direct show this year. The rumors point to said show taking place this Thursday on June 3, 2021. Even better, it’s supposed to feature the new 4k Nintendo Switch console. Maybe we’ll even get some news on long-awaited games like the sequel to Breath of the Wild? Tune in on that day to see if this rumor holds any water.
Source: Twitter