By any measure of success, Netflix‘s Scott Pilgrim Takes Off has achieved it. This anime adaptation of the award-winning Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley has received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike. On Rotten Tomatoes, this anime received a 96% score from 48 critics. Meanwhile, over 1000 audience members gave it a combined score of 86%. No matter how you look at it, this anime is a huge success story for Netflix. So much so that Netflix are already celebrating that success with a behind-the-scenes featurette. Don’t believe me? Then why not see that BTS featurette below, and watch how this anime came into being for yourself?
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off BTS Featurette: Details
Netflix is proud to celebrate the success of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off with that behind-the-scenes featurette video above on YouTube. Said video stars showrunners Bryan Lee O’Malley and BenDavid Grabinski as they wander the streets of Tokyo, Japan. However, they do not wander at random. No, their wanderings take them to the studios of Science SARU. Why? Well, this Japanese animation studio behind Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, 2 episodes of Star Wars: Visions, and Yurei Deco is also behind this Scott Pilgrim anime. Which funnily enough, makes it a true anime. Quite fitting really for the manga-inspired graphic novel that the anime is an adaptation of.

Are you curious about this anime now? Well, don’t worry. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off made its streaming debut on November 17, 2023. As you can guess though, this anime is a Netflix exclusive. Thus, you will need a paid subscription to watch this most anime of anime.