Troopers of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The parade of Stormtroopers continued with those from Rogue One. Among the tallest and largest of all troopers were the Death Troopers, elite bodyguards to Director Orson Krenic. These are the only canon troopers to appear in black other than pilots.

The Shoretrooper, on the other hand, was tasked with patrolling the shores of Scarif. Protectors of the Citadel, the Shoretroopers guarded the Imperial archive facility located on the tropical planent.
Stormtroopers of the Sequel Trilogy
Like the original trilogy, the sequel trilogy came to SDCC 2019 with a trio of Stormtroopers of its own. Captain Phasma, despite being relegated to a minimal role, is actually quite imposing in person.

The new generation of TIE Fighter pilot, to the contrary, is much more streamlined and sleek than the original.
Image: J.J. Goodman. Image: J.J. Goodman.
The First Order Stormtroopers… well… they kind of remind me of a newer model of an old car. The heart of it is there, but it’s just a little smoother than the original.
Sith Trooper

We don’t know any details about the Sith Trooper addition to the litany of Stormtroopers. They will appear in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and they’re red. That’s about it. But… now we are able to seem the armor in life-size form as opposed to only in a Hasbro Black Series toy. I have to say, after seeing the new armor up close, I’m impressed.

So what do you think? And what’s your favorite version of the Imperial Stormtroopers? Let us know in the comments below.