The Star Wars franchise has focused on strong, female characters as of late, of that there’s no question. Therefore, it stands to reason that Mattel would get in on the action with a new line of Star Wars Barbies. And get in on the action it did with a new line of three, Star Wars-inspired Barbie dolls. They are truly specimens to behold, and one of them is, well… read on. (Thanks to Gizmodo for compiling the images below.)

Let’s start with the most interesting choice of the Star Wars Barbies. This one takes inspiration from none other than R2-D2. Yes, the feisty little astromech droid gets a Barbie makeover with this blue-haired beauty. The doll incorporates many elements from the droid’s design, including its trademark blue panels. But the C-3PO “purse” that looks more like a flask fashioned from the carcass of the protocol droid? That… raises questions.
Star Wars Barbies put a fashionable spin on science fiction

Next up is the Leia-inspired Barbie doll. This one is a little more traditional, featuring a hybrid-New Hope hairstyle with buns and braids. The white dress is demure, accented by a silver purse featuring the Rebel Alliance logo. As the Star Wars Barbies go, this Princess Leia-like doll is pretty classic… if you ignore the knee-high, strappy heels that Leia assuredly would never have worn.
My personal favorite, however, is Darth Prada. Okay, her name isn’t really Darth Prada, but the leather-clad, Vader-inspired doll is something to behold. This one certainly gives off a dark, dominatrix of the Sith vibe. While it’s a bold and inspired look among the Star Wars Barbies, I’m not particularly sure I’d want my young daughter playing with this one. God help the Ken doll that comes across this gal.

Then again, I don’t think Mattel really intends for these Star Wars Barbies to be toys. When they arrive in stores this coming November, they’ll do so with a $100 price tag each. Notwithstanding, these will make a fun addition to any Star Wars collection. They’ll certainly start a conversation!
Source: Gizmodo