On Thursday, November 4th, the WWE released a slate of wrestlers, including some shockingly big names. This isn’t the first unexpected release of 2021. Lately, some huge names have been cut by the WWE (including superstar Bray Wyatt) in the name of cost-cutting.

Names Of The Latest WWE Releases
New releases include:
- Keith Lee
- Karrion Kross
- Scarlett Bordeaux
- Nia Jax
- Eva Marie
- Ember Moon
- Gran Metalik
- Davey Boy Smith Jr.
- Franky Monet
- B-Fab
- Lince Dorado
- Jessi Kamea
- Zayda Raimer
- Trey Baxter
- Katrina Cortez
- Mia Yim
- Oney Lorcan

Keith Lee and Karrion Kross are the most shocking names in the immediate. Both had gotten some major pushes and Keith Lee was at one point a double champion, holding the NXT Championship and North American Championship at the same time. Nia Jax is also a major unexpected name, considering her relation to the Rock (her cousin is Dwayne Johnson).
Where Will These Wrestlers End Up?
And the important question: Where do we see the major names ending up after their 90-day non-compete clause is up?
“Bearcat” Keith Lee: He is known for his great work in ROH… but ROH is temporarily closed. Honestly, AEW seems like a great spot but he may get lost in the shuffle of their recent big-name signings. His talents may do best somewhere like IMPACT Wrestling, where he can make an immediate impact (pun intended), or NJPW.

Karrion Kross: Karrior Kross, aka Killer Kross, already has time in IMPACT Wrestling, MLW, and AAA under his belt. Why not go back as a “returning prodigal son” gimmick or have some fun bouncing around the independents? He has the skill but WWE gave him a silly mask and squandered his move to the headline shows. I could see Karrion Kross using that to make himself an indie hero.
Scarlett Bordeaux: She is in a real-life relationship with Karrion Kross, so expect her to be part of a package deal.
Nia Jax: Nia Jax may be the wildcard. She has spent her entire career in WWE and is related to the Rock, Roman Reigns, and the Usos. Her most likely destination? Back into the WWE at some point.
Eva Marie: Eva Marie might be a major name for WWE fans, spending her entire career with the company, but my best guess is she retires or takes time out of the ring to focus on other projects, maybe even acting?

Gran Metalik: Gran Metalik has wrestled all over the world, including Mexico and Japan. If anyone on this list ends up in AEW, my guess is Gran Metalik. AEW is having some great success with the Lucha Brothers. They might be looking for some more international exposure.
Ember Moon: Ember Moon has strong in-ring work but not a lot of major exposure outside of WWE, being a former NXT Women’s Championship. AEW is building a great women’s division, as is IMPACT Wrestling. If I were Ember Moon, I’d be looking at AEW.
Davey Boy Smith Jr.: With Brian Pillman Jr. in AEW, why not go all-in and have a New Hart Foundation-style group? AEW could stand to give Davey Boy Smith Jr. the chance he never really got in WWE.
Where do you expect to see these superstars? For more wrestling news, be sure to check back at That Hashtag Show!