Star Trek fans, get ready for a new set of action figures. Nacelle has announced that their new Star Trek action figure lineup is now available to pre-order. This first wave of figures includes fan-favorites and deep cuts such as Weyoun, Tuvix, and Mirror Archer. These 1/12 scale figures will retail as a set (eight figures) for $225 or individually for $28. You can pre-order yours today at

Star Trek Wave One Figures From Nacelle

The trailblazing Star Trek franchise portrays unity and collaboration amongst hundreds of different cultures in their interpretation of a future universal society, while celebrating the beauty of exploration and analyzing ethical dilemmas largely based on societal issues.

Star Trek Action Figures Available Now For Pre-Order From Nacelle

Nacelle solicited ideas from Star Trek fans worldwide regarding future waves, asking them to email their suggestions. The response has been overwhelming and Nacelle has incorporated fan input into their Wave Two lineup. Bridge crews are expected to be announced soon.

Wave One Figures List


What are your thoughts on the new Star Trek figures from Nacelle? Are these a must-have for your collection? Also, what other collectibles are you looking to add to your collection? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!

You can share your thoughts by commenting on our That Hashtag Show Facebook page. You can also discuss this and other collectibles by contacting me on social media at NerdyVet574. Also, stay updated on all the pop culture news by following us at

Source: Nacelle