Pixar Animation Studios, also known simply as Pixar, is one of the most famous animation studios on the planet. Mostly because of thier amazing feature-length films. Beginning with Toy Story all the way back in 1995, the studio has produced hit animated film after hit animated film. In fact, they’re up to 28 of them so far, with the most recent as of this writing being Inside Out 2 in 2024. This latest one in particular carries the honor of being the highest-grossing animated film of all time. Not only that, but they’ve also produced numerous short films, typically included in with their feature-length films. Short films that have won just as much recognition as their feature-length films.
All in all, you can see just how Pixar managed to become a household name in the animated films department. However, the one thing they haven’t done so far is produced an animated series. Fortunately, that will soon change with the upcomingWin or Lose series. Don’t believe me? Then why not check out the official trailer below, and see for yourself if Pixar’s first TV series is something you want to check out?
Win or Lose: Details
Pixar and Disney are proud to announce that they will soon be premiering Win or Lose with the first official trailer on YouTube. According to that trailer, this first ever TV series from Pixar will make its debut on February 19, 2025. As you might expect, this series will be a Disney+ exclusive, so you can only watch it there.
That’s not all, though. Pixar is also giving us the full list of voice cast for Win or Lose. The list of cast includes: Will Forte, Rosie Foss, Josh Thomson, Milan Elizabeth Ray, Rosa Salazar, Dorien Watson, Izaac Wang, Chanel Stewart, Lil Rel Howery, Melissa Villaseñor, Jo Firestone, Flula Borg, Kyleigh Curran, Jaylin Fletcher, Erin Keif, Tom Law, Beck Nolan, Orion Tran, and Rhea Seehorn.
Alas, there is no other announcement for Win or Lose. Coupled with the impending release date, this indicates that the previously announced decision by Disney to remove the trans storyline is final. We will have to get back to you on this if Disney decides otherwise.
Bonus: Teaser Art and Stills
That’s not all, folks! Disney also has the official teaser art and still images for Win or Lose to further hype up the series that they have now made controversial. You can check them all out below:
I've been posting fanfiction on www.fanfiction.net under the pen name BbK2442 for several years now, if any of you are interested. Actual novels coming soon.