Welcome to the most cheerful time of the year. What better way to celebrate than with a Last Drive-In special on Shudder! This year, join Joe Bob and Darcy for Joe Bob’s Creepy Christmas. The event airs live on Shudder and AMC+ on Friday, December 15th at 9:00 PM ET. The special airs on-demand starting Sunday, December 17th.

In the fourth year of a holiday tradition, The Last Drive-In decks the bloody halls with a charity auction for four important causes. The special will feature one of a kind props and exclusive merch from The Last Drive-In and Joe Bob’s 35-year career. The supported charities include:

The special airs as part of a massive sixth season of The Last Drive-In that features more Joe Bob and Darcy than any year before. The new format means that we’ll be getting more movies than ever from Joe Bob and Darcy, but they’ll be single titles rather than double features. That means that they can do episodes year-round. We’ll get new episodes every other Friday. Joe Bob’s presence on Shudder won’t be limited to Summertime and the specials.

Here’s what Joe Bob had to say about the new format:

“As everyone knows, you should never invite me into your home, because I always show up. Shudder has graciously invited me to stick around for a sixth year, and I intend to use that kindness to haunt your phones, laptops and big-screen TVs with the most ghastly examples of perversity in the history of cinema. Plus a few old jokes and some celebrity guests who will still return our phone calls. Put it all together and it spells PARTAY.”

So, what do you think they’ll be showing on The Last Drive-In for this Creepy Christmas Holiday special?

For more on Horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.

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