This week on The Last Drive-In, Joe Bob and Darcy tackled 4th of July, Summer Camps, and made-for-TV horror.


As is tradition on The Last Drive-In; each week Darcy and Joe Bob feature two movies that sometimes tie in together, or sometimes they don’t. This week was a double feature of Dark Night of the Scarecrow (1981) and Beyond the Door III (1989).

Made-For-TV Horror

Dark Night Of The Scarecrow The Last Drive-In
This Scarecrow Needs A Bit More Than Just Brains

As Joe Bob mentions a few times in various episodes; and this one included, part of The Last Drive-In is showcasing some lesser-known subgenres of horror. As a part of that, they showcased some made-for-TV horror with Dark Night Of The Scarecrow. Which, as Joe Bob pointed out can still be effective horror even if it’s constrained by its format. I wasn’t sure if I fully agreed with Joe Bob on this. I personally found the movie to be OK but nothing great. It was effective for what it was, but did it need to be so prominently featured? Probably not.

Demonic Hook-Up

Beyond the Door III The Last Drive-In
When The Conductor Asks You to stay In Your Seat . . . Listen!

The second movie, Beyond the Door III was a bit better in the thrills department; but the plot felt pretty loose and took a while to get my interest. There were some pretty great kills in this, and it was what ultimately kept my interest. Still, the movie is pretty rough in spots. Even by The Last Drive-In standards this didn’t always work.

Neither movie featured a prominent guest; and I always say it’d be nice to see Joe Bob embrace interviews and guests more. It’s a nice break and makes for interesting exposition during the breaks.


While neither movie was the strongest showing on The Last Drive-In. Their hooks for content will likely keep die-hard fans hooked and excited for more. For the rest of those watching; this will likely be a deep-cut episode. One that you’ll only want to visit after viewing many more essential The Last Drive-In episodes.

The Last Drive-in with Joe Bob Briggs airs live on Shudder TV on Fridays at 6 PM (PST); If you miss the live airing, episodes are archived and posted the following Sunday.

For more Reviews, check out the content on That Hashtag Show.

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