Critical Role has formally announced the launch of its music label.

Called Scanlan Shorthalt Music, the team at CR is trying to make accessible music for everyone to use in their D&D/TTRPG games. And with this first album, the music on it can be used for any type of TTRPG game.

This first album entitled Welcome to Tal’Dorei has music inspired by Critical Role’s world.

Album Cover (Art By Kent Davis)

All 17 tracks on it are all themed to the first campaign, and they are something special.

CR Producer Maxwell James did have this to say about the album:

We were absolutely blown away by the top tier talent we were able to work with on this project.

It was an honor working with Hexany Audio and their team of composers. They had such a great understanding of our world and what we were looking for. And Omar Fadel was a powerhouse to work with. He’s so good at taking real influences from our own world and making them sound fantastical and unique in the tracks he composed. I also can’t say enough nice things about Colm McGuinness. We have worked with him on a few projects now and everything he creates is so grand and beautiful.

Being able to expand our world and tell stories through music is a dream come true… I hope this is only the beginning of Scanlan Shorthalt Music.

Below you can check out the track list for all 17 songs that are on the album:

Track List

  • “Welcome to Tal’Dorei” Colm McGuinness
  • “The Adventure Begins…” Colm McGuinness
  • “Tea with the Pansophical” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
  • “1000 Steps” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
  • “Entering Zephrah” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
  • “The Caverns of Crystalfen” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
  • “Deathwalker’s Ward” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
  • “The Grey Hunt” Omar Fadel
  • “The Cinder King” Omar Fadel
  • “Illusory Bonds” Sterling Maffe (Hexany Audio)
  • “The Nymph’s Heart” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)
  • “Umbra Hills” Robert Wolf (Hexany Audio)
  • “The Slayer’s Take” Omar Fadel
  • “The Pools of Wittebak” Omar Fadel
  • “Fields of Joy” Omar Fadel
  • “The Whispered One” Steven Grove (Hexany Audio)
  • “The Champion’s Goodbye” Matthew Carl Earl (Hexany Audio)

Where To Stream

This is available to stream on a few different platforms, including:

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