How does the old saying go? Oh yea, “What is old becomes new again”. Thanks to the hit Netflix series Stranger Things this saying is more true today than it ever has been. From amazing clothing styles to music, Stranger Things is re-introducing the ’80s to all new generations, and I love it! But there was one scene in Stranger Things 4 that might be one of the most epic ’80s moments and that is when Eddie Munson rocks out to Metallica’s Master of Puppets. The Duffers Brothers could not have picked a better song or actor (Joseph Quinn) for that moment in the series. What is really great about all is this was the response that Metallica posted to their Facebook page.


Metallica Responds To Master of Puppets in Stranger Things 4

“The way The Duffer Brothers have incorporated music into Stranger Things has always been next level, so we were beyond psyched for them to not only include “Master of Puppets” in the show but to have such a pivotal scene built around it. We were all stoked to see the final result and when we did we were totally blown away… it’s so extremely well done, so much so, that some folks were able to guess the song just by seeing a few seconds of Joseph Quinn’s hands in the trailer!! How crazy cool is that?

It’s an incredible honor to be such a big part of Eddie’s journey and to once again be keeping company with all of the other amazing artists featured in the show.

#strangerthings #strangerthings4 #masterofpuppets #EddieMunson #netflix”

Source: Metallica

We Want To Hear From You

What were your thoughts on Stranger Things 4 – Volume 2? What did you think of Eddie Munson rocking to Master of Puppets? Also, what do you think will happen in season 5? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you.

You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me on That Hashtag Show Facebook page to chat about all movie news. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Pop Culture news by following us at

Source: Metallica