Battlebots is back and this season is about to be even crazier than last season. 60 teams from around the world will be competing to win the coveted Giant Nut. Among these teams is Season 5 winners End Game, veteran teams Yeti, Ice Wave, Tombstone, Witch Doctor, DUCK!, and even Hypershock.
Some of the rookies competing are Pardon My French, Free Shipping, Blip, and even Defender. All of these teams just make up a sample of the 60 teams battling it out this season. And it will be exciting to see what these teams will do to try and get the Giant Nut.
But there is someone who got to see everything that happen from the sidelines for the season.

Battlebots‘ own “Bot Whisper” Pete Abrahamson has been with the series since its return to TV back in 2015 when it has originally aired on ABC. But just last year he officially became part of the on-camera team and has given fans insight into what these teams are doing to prepare for their battles.
And we recently got to interview Pete and talk about what to expect for this new season.
Pete Abrahamson Interview
Pete, I know you coming in last season as the newest member on the team was super awesome. How different is it to talk to the teams and find out what they are planning to do during each battle versus being in the BattleBox and competing with your own robot?
Pete: Since BattleBots came back to TV, first on ABC and now on Discovery, I have been behind the scenes looking inside bots and asking those important questions of the teams, then relaying that information to Chris and Kenny. Now, I still do all of that same data gathering but I get to divulge some of that insight in front of camera! And I am having a blast doing it!
Back in the day when I used to compete, I only had to worry about my own robot Ronin. Did I tighten that one screw? Did I check the bearings in the weapon after that last fight? Do I have enough spare speed controllers? Are all my batteries fully charged? Did I use enough deodorant this morning because I am stress sweating? Stuff like that.
Now, I worry about 60 plus bots and teams! Did team “A” get that shipment of new batteries? Can team “B” rebuild their frame after that last match? Does any of the other teams have a spare speed controller to loan to team “C”? Has team captain “D” consumed anything more than Red Bull in past 24 hours? Has any bot-builder slept? I am not only the Bot Whisperer but also Bot Dad to many teams.
How excited were you and the rest of the team and all of the bot-builders when you guys found out the show was filming in Vegas this year?
Pete: “Viva Bot Vegas!” Vegas offered the whole production quite a few bonuses that Long Beach did not, nearness to many hotels, easy access for an audience to come see the event, great restaurants and of course The Strip!
During the show getting shot in Vegas, what was something that surprised you?
Pete: No one got COVID. It is a testament to the planning and implantation of the safety protocols that over 400 bot-builders, cast and crew were able to film for two weeks and be safe from the pandemic. AND, that was the same for last season’s filming in Long Beach (before the vaccines was available!).
What new hazards can we expect in the BattleBox this season?
Pete: The “Upper Deck”, it is an eight foot by sixteen foot shelf at the back of the arena that will play havoc with some bots and other will use it to great advantage.
What team/teams should viewers be watching this season?
Pete: Blacksmith has upped its game by adding a spinning disc/blade? (not really a disc, more of a jagged mass of steel) to the end of the hammer arm, now nicknamed the “Power Hammer”, and yes, there is still fire spewing out on every strike.
Aren Hill of Tantrum has handed off the running Tantrum to his team-mates Alex Grant and Ginger Schmidt so he can pursue his mad scientist dreams of building a flywheel based flipper named Blip. Keep an eye on that bot.
Christian Carlberg has teamed up with Greg Gibson to bring an updated version of Yeti. That is just a small sample, ALL the teams have really stepped up their game this season.
What is something that viewers and BattleBots fans can take away from this season?
Pete: That this season is turned up to Eleven! In all the years I have been in robot combat, never have the bots been this ready, this destructive, this Pro. Teams have really brought it this season and it shows in how amazing the fights are.
Where To Watch
Season 6 of Battlebots will air every Thursday, starting tonight, January 6th at 8:00 PM, on Discovery Channel. It will then be available the next day on both Discovery Channel On Demand and Discovery+. And if you still haven’t seen the trailer yet, check it out below:
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