Do any of you remember the beginning of Netflix’s The Witcher, where Geralt was fighting that man-lobster/crab thing? Well, Dark Horse Direct and Netflix remember. Why else would they be selling a little statue of the fight?
An Epic Dark Fantasy Battle For Your Display Table

Dark Horse Direct and Netflix are partnering up to deliver us this gargantuan The Witcher: Geralt vs. Kikimora Statue. This lit…big statue is basically a reproduction of the epic fight scene at the beginning of the Netflix series. The statue is currently available for preorder from Dark Horse Direct for a grand total of – wait for it – $299.99. No, I’m not kidding. This statue will literally cost you $300. Dark Horse Direct does allow for a payment plan of $67.50 per month, but well, $300 is still $300. If you really want it though, well, it’s your money.
As mentioned before, you’re currently only able to preorder this The Witcher: Geralt vs. Kikimora Statue. This means you won’t receive this statue the moment you purchase it. The estimated shipping date of this thing is sometime in August-November 2022. Note that if you live in the US (like me), then even these dates are subject to change due to that little matter of the ongoing port congestion. Also, important to note, the statue is limited to 2 per customer. So, don’t try to buy more than 2 at once…if you ever wanted to for some reason.
The Witcher: Geralt vs. Kikimora Statue ~ Details

The actual company behind this The Witcher: Geralt vs. Kikimora Statue is Gentle Giant Studios, known for their high-quality pop culture statues and busts, including one of Baby Yoda/Grogu they did a while back. This particular statue, though, is pretty big, measuring 8.5 inches tall and 14 inches wide at the base. You’re going to need a pretty hefty table to display this fight scene.

Aside from the statue itself, when you purchase The Witcher: Geralt vs. Kikimora Statue, you also get a certificate of authenticity. You know, just in case someone tries to make a cheap knockoff of this. Each base is also hand-numbered, so you can tell if the certificate is telling the truth. Or if you want to track down the lot if there’s a defect. After all, you don’t want to spend $300 on a defective statue now, do you?
Source: Dark Horse Direct, Direct News