So it appears that Netflix is trying to break into the video game industry. Not surprising, really.

According to a report from The Information (reported via IGN) on May 21, 2021; Netflix is apparently looking to hire an executive with the sole goal of overseeing the streaming platform’s expansion into the video game market. They’ve actually approached veteran video game industry execs about joining the company in recent weeks. For all intents and purpose, it seems like Netflix is pretty serious about expanding into the video game sector.
As for how Netflix is going to sell these video games of theirs, it seems that they want to go the subscription route. Like Xbox Game Pass, Google Play Pass, and Apple Arcade; they want a service that allows customers to access and stream games for a fixed fee. What fee is this, you might ask? Well, we don’t know. At the moment, all we know is that Netflix is looking into expanding into the game industry. They haven’t actually done it yet. We’ll know more later, once more official info pops up.
Netflix: The Next Gaming Giant?

This isn’t actually Netflix’s first foray into the gaming business. They’ve actually worked with BonusXP to develop free mobile games based on the Stranger Things franchise. These games basically served as tie-ins for the show, following the plot step by step, and even occasionally exploring plot elements the show didn’t have time to explore. The games even featured intentionally retro looks and gameplay to harken back to the good old days. Ultimately, these mobile games received mixed reviews from critics (IGN itself only gave Stranger Things 3: The Game a 6.9/10). However, these Stranger Things games did give Netflix experience in developing games, which might have been ultimately what they were going for in the first place.

Netflix has been busy contacting video game execs. Their purpose? To look into expanding into the video game business. At least, beyond the free mobile games they’ve been doing so far. Will Netflix become the next video game giant? We’ll just have to see later.
Source: The Information, IGN