If you play Call of Duty: Warzone like me, you’ll be downed, a lot. Whether that’s from some pinpoint sniper across the map or that dude who just busted in on your spot with the MAC-10. The Call of Duty Endowment is putting those downs to good use this month. Activision Blizzard is donating $1 for every player who revives five teammates in Warzone. So maybe you won’t feel too bad when your teammate revives you after you get downed.

In addition to this, they’re announcing a new Battle Doc Pack for Warzone and Black Ops Cold War. In the pack you get a new operator skin created in partnership with the Army Veteran Combat Medic Timothy Hobbs Jr.. Tim is an avid Call of Duty player who the Endowment helped place into a high-quality job through their grantee Still Serving Veterans. Hobbs was deployed on four combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Following this, the Net Proceeds from this pack go straight towards Veteran Employment. Their goal is to place 5,800 Veterans through the Campaign. The month of May is all about combat medics and hospital corpsmen. You can check out the contents of the pack in the image above.

So, what do you think of the Call of Duty Endowment Battle Doc Pack?

You can read more about the Call of Duty Endowment on the Activision Blog.

To help get veterans back to work, please visit: www.callofdutyendowment.org/help

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