It’s been 65 years since Cecil B. Demille’s motion picture classic, The Ten Commandments released. Epic in every sense of the word, it’s a film that requires the 4K Ultra HD treatment. For the first time ever, this March 30th, 2021, the film is arriving in the best possible picture quality. The inspiring story of Moses in The Ten Commandments has withstood the test of time. The film was restored in 2010. As part of that restoration, it was scanned in 6K and that restoration is the basis for this new Dolby Vision version. This is all coming from the original VistaVision negative. Wondering what VistaVision is?

VistaVision was a format that used special cameras to feed 35mm film into the camera horizontally in order to capture a wider image spread over two 35mm film frames. This gives VistaVision twice the resolution of regular 35mm film. It was a revolutionary technique that adds to the epic and grandiose feel of The Ten Commandments.

Paramount put over 150 hours of new color work and clean-up on this already beautiful scan. Dolby Vision is just the icing on the cake to make this film look better than it ever has.

Extras Included On The Ten Commandments 4k Ultra HD Package

You’re getting one hell of an extras package here with this one. Not only are you getting the 4K Ultra HD version of the film, but an introduction by Demille, an intermission (thankfully, because this one is long), an overture/exit music card, and an entr’acte card. The 4K Ultra HD Disc includes:

  • 1956 feature film in 4K Ultra HD
  • Commentary by Katherine Orrison, author of “Written in Stone: Making Cecil B. DeMille’s Epic The Ten Commandments”

You’re also getting two separate Blu-Ray discs with the film split in two halves (because it’s a gargantuan film).

Blu-Ray Disc #1
  • 1956 feature film in high definition (Part 1)
  • Commentary by Katherine Orrison, author of “Written in Stone: Making Cecil B. DeMille’s Epic The Ten Commandments”
Blu-Ray Disc #2
  • 1956 feature film in high definition (Part 2)
  • Commentary by Katherine Orrison, author of “Written in Stone: Making Cecil B. DeMille’s Epic The Ten Commandments”
  • Newsreel footage of the film’s New York premiere
  • Theatrical trailers, including at 10-minute “making of” trailer

For Cecil B. Demille’s final film, The Ten Commandments has withstood the test of time and then some. It made stars out of Yul Brynner and Charlton Heston. Grab this 4K Ultra HD when it releases on March 30th, 2021.

For more on classic films, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.