Apparently, some bastard thought it was a great idea to punch Rick Moranis in the head in a completely unprovoked attack.
A security camera caught the entire incident on tape, which someone then posted to Twitter. The attack occurred on Thursday, October 1, at 7:30 A.M. on Central Park West near 70th Street. As you can see, the attack was completely unprovoked. Rick Moranis was just innocently walking down the street, and this douchebag, for whatever reason, decided to slug him in the head.
The force of the blow was enough to knock Moranis to the ground. Worse still, this douche just calmly walks away afterwards as if nothing had happened. There’s not a shred of guilt in the guy’s pace. The “I Love NY” slogo on the attacker’s sweater only makes the whole scene all the more jarring.
Attack of the Random Douchebag

Rick Moranis afterwards went to the hospital, where he reported head, back, and hip pain. This is understandable, of course, since he’s 67. And, of course, a random asshole just slugged him in the head. We all wish Rick Moranis good luck and a speedy recovery. Hopefully, his injuries aren’t serious.
As of the time of this writing, the police still haven’t caught Rick Moranis’ attacker, so we have no idea why this douchebag punched him. We’ll undoubtedly get the full story once the police finally nab him. Tune in later for more information as this story develops.
There are a lot of douchebags in this world, and unfortunately, poor Rick Moranis just happened to run afoul of one of them. We hope for Moranis’ speedy recovery, and for the police to nail this asshole. And seriously, if any of you readers happen to have any information on this guy, please call 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) for English speakers. Or if you speak Spanish, call 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). You too, can make a difference in this world.
Source: ComicBook