Amongst all the news coming from Sony today, I am most excited to talk about this one. Ratchet and Clank is coming back! Check out the trailer below, then geek out with me!
This Ratchet and Clank Trailer Has Me Asking So Many Questions!
- What the heck?!
- What game is this going to tie into?
- Who started messing with reality?
- Do these rifts go through the history of the franchise?
- Why was there a huge hologram of Dr. Nerafious?
- Are we going to get some single character gameplay again?
- Are those the ROBO-Pirates from “Quest for Booty”?
- Is the story going to finally figure out where the Lombaxes went?
- Did one of those rifts kinda look like a world from the Jak series?!
- Are we getting the RYNO?
- Who is the Female Lombax?!?!?
Ok WHO broke space and time?! Is that Nefarious?! A Hammer weilding She-Lombax!
Kinda Saw It Coming
Don’t be too surprised that this is coming. Now that Sony has their new opening sequence that will play before their Playstation Studios titles you see Ratchet and Clank!
Are you as excited as we are about this classic franchise making its return? Let us know in the comments below! Make sure to stay tuned for all the rift jumping, Ryno blasting news here at ThatHashtagShow, and join the conversation on our Facebook Page.
For more on Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, the Playstation 5, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.