Now that the OMG buzz is settling down let’s take a deep dive and consider why Hasbro has skipped several other seasons of Super Sentai to the last complete Power Ranger series.
Where is Hasbro going with Power Rangers ?
We already know that Hasbro (even Saban) has no problem cherry-picking what season to adapt. Since Power Rangers debuted on Nickelodeon the format went from a one-season Super Sentai series per year to two smaller seasons over two years, still using only one series of Super Sentai footage. Giving Japan time to create more content lets review and speculate why four seasons are staying across the Pacific.
The Train Season

The obvious reason that Ressha Sentai ToQger didn’t make it over, America does not have a prominent train culture. Just compare the pictures below.
America’s major train system Japan’s MAJOR train systems
America’s train infrastructure did help BUILD our nation whereas trains in Japan keep it connected on a daily basis. Think about the little kid in the middle of South Dakota who probably wouldn’t have the chance to see a train unless at a museum. As opposed to the kid living in Shinjuku who has to take the train daily to school.
Most 80s born Americans should have childhood memories of Thomas the Tank Engine. But having that first glance at Voltron or Optimus Prime. Thomas was put in the back in the toy chest never to be looked on again.
(Continued on following page.)
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 please love mark
Skip power rangers dino fury do it on nick please stop it now for 2021 hurry now please love mark
I would like Zyuohger to be adapted. I think there needs to be more white rangers. And hopefully Hasbro will find the best storyline to put in.
I want Zyuohger to be adapted next. I truly and personally think there should be more (WHITE) rangers. And I’m certain enough that Hasbro will come up with the best storyline to put in.
I Think they should adapt Kyuranger it’s been too long since we had a space season
I think if Hasbro can knock Dino Fury out of the park then they can get ambitious and attempt Kyuranger next or if not Kyuranger Zyuohger or Kiramager. Unfortunately, I hate to say that as much as I loved Toqger it’s theming doesn’t lend itself well to American audiences. Lupin vs. Pato could be done but you’d need one hell of a new story line reworked for it land well.