So, what happened after Endgame? It would seem that Starlord and Spiderman have teamed up for more adventures in the guise of elves in Pixar and Disney’s latest offering Onward!
March 6th 2020 looks set to be the release date for Onward. We are lucky enough to have a behind the scenes featurette to share with you all. The voice cast from Onward share the magic behind the new movie in the video above!
So here’s a little about Onward…
Featuring an all star cast of Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Octavia Spencer, Onward is an adventure film for all the family. The film focuses on the relationship between teenage elf brothers Ian (Tom Holland) and Barley Lightfoot (Chris Pratt.) Consequently the movie echoes director Dan Scanlons real life experiences with his own brother. They embark on a quest, as all good elves should – at least once in their life… But, what should be a simple, but unexpected chance to spend some more time with their late Dad, ends up being a little more complicated. It involves magic spells, cryptic maps, impossible obstacles and unimaginable discoveries. Knowing Pixar, there is sure to be a lot of emotion and thought provoking ideas to stay with you long after leaving the cinema.

Dan Scanlon is a long time collaborator with Pixar. He has worked on favourites such as Cars and Toy Story 3, as well as directing Monsters University in 2013. Scanlon looks set to bring a fun adventure to audiences with Onward. Moreover, when has Pixar ever released a bad film? They are all quirky, fun and unique in their own ways.

From the original trend setting Toy Story in 1995, to Toy Story 4 last year, I have laughed and cried at every single one. (Possibly still crying over Toy Story 4…) And watching the trailer and featurette above I can say I am really looking forward to this film! Above all, it looks fresh, original and perhaps even a break away from the current roster of Disney and Pixar films. Perhaps Onward could be just the film to break out of Hollywood Doldrums with creativity… Just a thought!